Live streaming Cardiac Rehabilitation exercise sessions

Live streaming Cardiac Rehabilitation exercise sessions


The exercise sessions are to support and improve your level of fitness and supplement your daily walking programme. We encourage you to read all this information before starting. The sessions will run once or twice a week and you will receive a Microsoft Teams invite to the session via email. When you click on this and log on, it may ask for your name, please enter only your first name.

If you are unwell please do not join the sessions or if you are not sure if you should exercise or not please contact the cardiac physiotherapist in advance of the session on 07542392988. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please also let us know so we are not waiting for you to join.

The sessions will be in a group with other people who you may see, much the same as in a face-to-face setting.

Before the session starts

  1. Check you have a safe environment with enough space to move around in, and you are wearing appropriate footwear and clothing. We recommend the ideal room temperature for exercise is 19-23 degrees Celsius.
  2. Please let the team know if you have changed your mobile number or the number that you have provided us with for a carer/neighbour in the unlikely event of an emergency.
  3. Unlock your door prior to starting the session.
  4. Have a drink of water available.
  5. Have your GTN (Glycerin-trinitrate) spray/tablets to hand (if prescribed them).
  6. Have any asthma ‘reliever’ inhalers to hand (if prescribed them).
  7. Put your heart rate monitor on as per previously instructed.
  8. Take your seated and standing blood pressure and heart rate 5 minutes before the scheduled session ‘sign in’ time and write these readings down.
  9. If you are diabetic and take your own blood sugar levels at home, take a blood sugar reading 5 minutes before the scheduled session ‘sign in’ time and write this reading down.
  10. When you have logged in, you will be asked to provide these readings.
  11. Advise the cardiac physio of any change in symptoms or medication since your last session/ since your walking test, or if you are generally unwell (including any possible COVID-19 symptoms).
  12. If there is someone else in the house, let them know you are exercising over the next two hours and you may call them if needed.
  13. All patients are monitored virtually during the session so if you are exercising alone we will continue to support you and contact your emergency contact or medical help in the rare event that it is needed.
  14. If you are concerned about exercising alone please contact the team before the session starts to discuss.

Please note; if your blood pressure, heart rate or blood glucose levels are not within recommended ranges for exercise, you will be advised to recheck or not participate on that occasion. If this is the case, we will call you back after the session has finished to discuss a plan.

During the session

  1. Once logged in please remain on screen throughout the session so that you can be observed.
  2. Sip water and keep your feet moving throughout the session to minimise the risk of your blood pressure dropping.
  3. Always work to the heart rate levels set for you individually by the cardiac rehab physio.
  4. Always exercise at a level that you feel is comfortable - if you cannot talk comfortably whilst exercising then you are overexerting and you need to slow down or stop.
  5. If your arms or legs are feeling tired/fatigued then slow down, as you are over exerting.
  6. If at any point you are not clear about the exercise instructions given, please ask for clarification.
  7. If you develop chest pain/heaviness/tightness, symptoms of angina, any non-cardiac symptoms, or feel unwell, stop exercising immediately, raise a hand and speak to make the team aware. You will then be advised what to do.
  8. If there is somebody else in the house, ask them to come and help/sit with you.
  9. In the very unlikely event that anyone may suddenly lose consciousness during a session, the team will call 999 and contact the carer/neighbour number you have given us.

After the session

  1. After the cool down has finished, you will need to remain on screen for 15 minutes for a period of post exercise monitoring.
  2. You will be required to take your blood pressure and heart rate straight after the session, whilst seated. Please then report these readings to the team.
  3. Just before the end of the 15 minute monitoring period, you will be asked to take your blood pressure and heart rate for a final time whilst being seated. Please report these readings to the team.
  4. If final blood pressure/heart rate readings are not within expected levels, you will be asked to repeat them again after a further few minutes rest.
  5. If your final blood pressure/heart rate readings are within range, then you will have completed the session and you may log off.
  6. If you have any questions about the session please feel free to ask the team during this time.
  7. Remove your heart rate monitor, clean it as previously instructed and when dry, store in the bag provided until the next session.

Contact us

Cardiac Physiotherapist
Telephone: 07542392988

Produced by Glynn Burgess - Cardiac Rehabilitation Physiotherapist
Date Produced: May 2021. Revision Due: May 2023. Version: 1.0
©The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust 2021. All rights reserved.

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