Child Development Centre

Child Development Centre

We provide a ‘one stop shop’ for children under 5 who are having difficulties in more than one area of their development. 

We work closely with families to:

  • assess how children are doing in different areas of development
  • try to find the underlying cause of any difficulties that a child is having
  • provide support and therapy (if needed) to help children make progress
  • make sure families are supported and know about other services that may be helpful

Child Development Centre
Kimberworth Place
Kimberworth Road
S61 1HE

Telephone: 01709 428850

The team

Depending on a child’s needs, they may see one or more of the following members of our team.


A paediatrician is a children’s doctor. The paediatrician will undertake a medical assessment and offer advice about further tests if needed.

Clinical psychologist

Psychologists consider the way a child thinks, learns and reacts to situations. This helps to identify the best way to support an individual child’s wellbeing, development and learning.

Occupational psychologists

Occupational therapists assess a child’s fine motor skills (how they use their hands), posture and positioning. They consider how a child goes about doing everyday tasks and how they could be helped to do these more easily or with greater independence.


Physiotherapists analyse how a child moves. They look at muscle tone, coordination and balance. If needed, they may develop a programme of activities to help a child develop their physical skills.

Speech and language therapists

Speech and language therapists assess a child’s ability to understand and communicate. This can include how children behave socially and how well they interact with others. They also consider concentration and play skills.

If a child has problems with eating or drinking for physical reasons, they can also assess this and offer advice.

Early years intervention teachers

Our teachers are a vital link with schools and early years settings in Rotherham. Children’s developmental difficulties can affect their education and our teachers can offer information and advice to educational staff so they know how best to support children.

Specialist health visitor

Our specialist health visitor offers health screening as well as help and support with particular areas of concern e.g. sleep.

Nursery nurses

Our nursery nurses assess and support children’s play and development, and provide structure to develop their skills and communication.

Healthcare assistants

Our healthcare assistants are there to support children and families when they visit and to help the clinical staff.

Who we see

We see children who are having difficulty in more than one area of their development.

Sometimes children are referred as babies because they have a known medical or genetic condition which means that they are likely to need some specialist help and support.

Other children are referred later when it becomes apparent that they are not making as much progress as expected in two or more areas of their development and some new ideas are needed.

What we do

Depending on the age and needs of the child, families will be offered either:

  • A ‘nursery style’ assessment group where a child is invited in to play and parents get the chance to talk privately with the team
  • or an individual session where there is a combination of play-based assessment and discussion with parents

After the assessment, the team, in partnership with parents, will come up with an individual plan for each child. Sometimes all that is needed are some new ideas for parents, nursery/school staff on how to help – or signposting to other sources of support.

But we may also offer one or more of the following:

  • follow-up appointments with one or more members of the team at the Child Development Centre
  • follow-up visit at home or at school / nursery
  • sessions at the Child Development Centre e.g. groups, drop-ins or parent workshops



We accept referrals from all health professionals, nurseries, schools and portage workers. We see children from all over the borough of Rotherham.

If you are a parent who is concerned about your child’s development, please contact your health visitor to request a visit and discuss a possible referral. The helpline for Rotherham’s 0-19 service (health visitors and school nurses) is 01709 423333. They will be able to put you in contact with your child’s health visitor.

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