Elastic band truss

Elastic band truss


You have been prescribed a truss. It has been manufactured for your specific needs by your Orthotist.

A truss is used to:

  • maintain and support a reduced hernia
  • reduce pain or discomfort

Wearing your elastic band truss

The Orthotist will have adjusted the truss to fit you correctly and will have shown you how to reduce your hernia. It is most important that you then observe the following points:

  • Your hernia must be reduced by gently massaging it back into the body before applying the truss; failure to do this may cause internal damage
  • After reducing the hernia, place the pad over the hernia and make sure the support strapping is secure. Stand up and check that the support is controlling your hernia.
  • If the truss is not controlling the hernia, please remove it and reapply it.
  • Your hernia should not be allowed to descend around or below the pad of the truss 
  • The truss should be worn next to your skin and not over clothing as it may slip 
  • When using an elastic band truss, always keep the belt tight enough to control your hernia and then fasten.
  • A truss is best to be fitted when you are lying down.

When should I wear my truss?

The truss should be worn all day, and put on before getting up in the morning.

Do not wear it in the bath or shower.

Your truss should be removed at night unless advised differently by the Orthotist. 

Some elastic band trusses are used to control hernias during sleep, your Orthotist will advise you.

Never wear your elastic band truss over an unreduced or strangulated hernia. If you are unable to reduce your hernia, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How do I look after my truss?

For washing of the truss please follow the manufacturers guidelines supplied with the truss. 

Alternatively, sponge down the fabric and allow to air dry. Dust down with talcum powder to retain freshness. 

Do not put your truss in the washing machine, as it will damage it.

How many trusses can I have?

The NHS will provide you with two trusses. If you wish to have more than this, you would have to purchase these yourself. Please contact the Orthotics Department for details of where you can buy them from.

What problems should I be aware of?

If you notice any of the following or you have any problems with your truss, discontinue use and contact the department for a review appointment.

  • Skin redness that doesn’t fade after 40 minutes
  • Sores or blisters on the skin
  • Pain, irritation or rubbing
  • Any damage to the truss or truss no longer fits
  • Please be aware of allergies, which may occur when your skin is exposed to metals, rubber, plastic, natural and man-made fibres 

What should I do if I think I have a strangulated hernia?

If you think you may have a strangulated hernia you must seek immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of a strangulated hernia include: 

  • severe pain 
  • redness over the herniated area 
  • tenderness over the herniated area 
  • burning sensation over herniated area 
  • nausea (feeling sick) and or vomiting (being sick)
  • fever (temperature over 37.8°Celsius)
  • general feeling poorly

What happens if I have a problem?

If you are concerned about the condition, fit or fitting of your support or if you require any further assistance, please contact:

Orthotic Department
Telephone: 01709 424385

Source URL: https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/patient-information/elastic-band-truss

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/patient-information/elastic-band-truss