Governor elections - help shape the future of your NHS
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is looking for members of the public, who want to be the voice of the people of Rotherham, to stand in this round of Governor elections.

The Trust has a Council of Governors, made up of staff, partner organisations and the general public, who provide a link with the community and can influence the improvement of health services within Rotherham.
Governors don’t need any special qualifications, just a passion to make a difference.
Anybody who wishes to stand for election must first be a Member of the Trust. To become a Member, simply complete a form or contact Public Governors are elected by their fellow Members to sit on the Council of Governors.
Being a Governor means you can have a say in helping plan future NHS services and setting the direction for the Trust.
There are two public constituencies; Rotherham-wide, which has 11 seats available; and the Rest of England, which has 2 seats available. Alongside this, there is one seat available for Staff Governors.
Details of how to stand for election can be found on the Civica Election Services website.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Wednesday 12 April.