BreathingSpace hosts a number of community services including management of respiratory conditions.

Some of the services based at BreathingSpace include:
- Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC), incorporating Respiratory and Sleep Physiology (first floor) and CT scanner
- Pulmonary rehabilitation (a breathing exercise and education programme) – six week outpatient programme
- Full oxygen assessment service including assessment for ambulatory oxygen
- Lifestyle and education sessions
- Smoking cessation support and advice
- Education for all involved in caring for people with COPD and other respiratory conditions
- Support to health care services in the management of patients with COPD and other respiratory conditions, including support with early supported discharge and admission avoidance
- Phlebotomy
Free car parking is available at Breathing Space.
Badsley Moor Lane
East Dene
S65 2QL
Please visit Our Services for contact details for individual services based at BreathingSpace.