Vasectomy - post-operative instructions
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Most men have very little trouble after their vasectomy. We suggest that you:
- Take things easy for the rest of the day. There is no need to retire to bed, but too much activity delays healing of the wound area and may cause complications.
- The wearing of supportive underpants (not boxer shorts) is recommended for one week, during the day and also at night.
- There is usually a little pain for several hours after the operation. This can be relieved by simple pain relief medication that is widely available to buy over the counter from a chemist, for example, paracetamol. Please note that you will not be given any pain relief medication to take home with you, you must buy your own.
- Do not bath or shower for 48 hours. The wounds may weep a little after a few days. This is not serious and is due to the position of the wounds. This can often be avoided by taking a daily bath or shower until the wound has healed.
- Avoid sexual intercourse, driving or exercise for at least 48 hours after your operation.
- Should you experience any problems in the first 4 weeks after your operation, please contact the Integrated Sexual Health Service direct, particularly if you think you have a wound infection (for example, wound is increasingly painful, oozing pus). We will be able to advise accordingly. Please contact your GP if you have any problems after the first 4 weeks.
- Should a problem occur outside of our opening hours please contact your GP, NHS 111, pharmacy services or in the case of an emergency A&E.
- If you are treated for a post-operative infection by a service other than ourselves, please contact us in order for us to update your records.