There's lots to read about in the May edition of Your Health.
We celebrate the opening of our new CT scanner (page 1).
There's a message from our Chair and Chief Executive (page 2).
Find out about how our home chemotherapy service is helping patients a year after its initial pilot, and meet our new robotic surgical assistant (page 3).
Mr Nikhil Nanavati talks all things feet (page 4) followed by some hints and tips for keeping your feet healthy (page 5).
Also on page 5, we learn how our Learning Disabilities and Autism team are championing inclusive healthcare.
We celebrate our staff survey results (page 6).
On page 7, we hear about how we're supporting our Armed Forces community, as well as our Call Me initiative.
Finally, on page 8, find out how you can support Rotherham Hospital and Community Charity.
Your Health will be back in August with all the latest from The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.